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вторник, 15 декабря 2009 г.

Надо пересмотреть отношение к депрессии как фактору риска ССЗ

По крайней мере, трициклические антидепрессанты не снижают смертность от ССЗ, риск геморрагического инсульта возростает на 45%, смертность от всех причин - также растет на фоне длительного использования антидепрессантов.

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Antidepressants Linked to Higher Risk for Stroke, Death Among Postmenopausal Women

Antidepressant use is associated with increased risk for stroke and all-cause mortality among postmenopausal women, Archives of Internal Medicine reports.

Researchers prospectively followed, for about 6 years, some 136,000 Women's Health Initiative participants who weren't using antidepressants at baseline. They compared cardiovascular outcomes between women who started using antidepressants during follow-up (4%) and those who did not.

Among the findings:

  • Antidepressants were not associated with coronary heart disease.
  • SSRIs were associated with a 45% increase in stroke risk, largely due to an increase in hemorrhagic stroke (consistent with SSRI's antiplatelet effects, the authors note).
  • SSRIs and tricyclic antidepressants conferred higher risk for all-cause mortality.

The authors caution that their findings "must be placed in the context of the observational nature of these analyses ... and the known risks associated with depression."

Archives of Internal Medicine article (Free abstract; full text requires subscription)

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